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Problem with RAGrid

Started by cookj, April 18, 2009, 05:02:48 AM

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First let me say that I like your IDE very much.

I have several projects coming up that involve using
a spreadsheet control.

I was working with the database demo that you so kindly
wrote in the Spreadsheet demo folder and I noticed this.

If I modify the RAGrid properties by say setting focus
to True instead of false it will compile with no errors
but the program will not run.

Here is your code:

I put a PrintDec to make sure eax was nonzero.

invoke   GetModuleHandle,NULL
   mov   hInstance,eax
invoke   InitCommonControls
invoke LoadLibrary,offset szLibName
PrintDec eax
   .if eax
           mov      hSprShtDLL,eax
   invoke   DialogBoxParam,hInstance,IDD_MAIN,NULL,addr DlgProc,NULL
   invoke FreeLibrary,hSprShtDLL
   invoke MessageBox,NULL,addr szLibName,addr szLibName,MB_OK
   invoke   ExitProcess,0

I noticed a couple of years ago someone wrote about
this same problem but he did not have the code right
as I recall.

So to recap I can recomple till the cows come home and it
runs everytime.  The minute I change a property on
RaGrid and recompile the program does not run.

If I change the property back to the way it was and
recompile it does not run.

I realize that I should have said reassemble instead of
recompile but its late in Missouri  :bg

I would appreciate any help on this issue, I scanned
the forum and did not find much regarding my problem.

Another thing How do I shut off the accept dialog when I
am assembling my programs.  This is driving me crazy.





Hard to tell what the problem is.
Might be that the resources is not linked into the exe.
Check the project options and watch the output result while building the project.

> Another thing How do I shut off the accept dialog when I
> am assembling my programs.  This is driving me crazy.

You cant turn it off. The workaround is to manually add the exe to the [Accept] list in RadASM.ini




Thanks for the reply.  I still can not get it working.

I make a whole new dialog with Template program and
inserted your code in the right places(I Think!) and it
assembles fine but will not fire up.

invoke LoadLibrary,offset szLibName
   .if eax
      mov      hSprShtDLL,eax
      invoke   DialogBoxParam,hInstance,IDD_MAIN,NULL,addr WinMain,NULL
      invoke FreeLibrary,hSprShtDLL
      invoke MessageBox,NULL,addr szLibName,addr szLibName,MB_OK

If I remove the control from the program and reassemble
the program fires up fine.

If I leave the control in the program will not run.

Any more ideas?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
