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Started by marco1974, March 19, 2005, 06:03:11 PM

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i am trying to send an EMAIL.

see the zip what i mean.
For some strange reasen the code isn`t working.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Marco, a couple of pointers:

- "it isn't working" is not a valid error message. When someone comes to me and says "i tried doing xyz, and it doesn't work", i give them my blankest dumbest look and ask "What do you mean? Of course it works, YOU must of done something wrong." Next time, give us an exact error message. This board is not a debugging service, we are not going to fire up your code and trace through it with a debugger just because "it doesn't work".

- DO NOT request code through this board. If you want "a better way", don't request that we send you the source, instead you should practice you Googling skills, you will be amazed at what is out there.

- What assembler are you using? I looked at your source, and i think i see your problem, but i don't know for sure because i don't what assembler you are using, therefore i don't know if your syntax is correct. Also, it is not usual to pass STRUCTs on the stack  :wink

Don't take this too personally, you just didn't practice the correct ettiquette of the board  :U And remember that when reporting or discussing bugs, context is everything.

James Ladd

Have you tried using smtp as apposed to mapi ?
If sending email is all you want then this can be easier.
If however you want to intereact with outlook or echange then mapi would be the way to go.


  But for using SMTP, you need to give a server address right? I suppose MAPI uses the server profile in Outlook or IE? or does it send it another way altogether? I have also tried my hand at mMAPI but it didn't seem to work. But I haven't debgged it yet.

Thomas Antony
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I have try`d MAPI , ported some parts to asm from c.
Before that i came across some virii source (i was after the SMTP engine! ! ! )
That is such dangerous code that testing it will have to wait untill i removed the trojan parts out of it.

It does send mail , 100000`s of them beagle style ;-)
I am looking deeper into smtp, but its a slow proccess. (beagle smtp server)

Also mapi, This sucs nobody seems to know how it works and all the virii are using it!

We live in an strange weird world.

Microsoft isn`t too friendly about mapi samples or email sample code.

Any wizz here?

I need a basic MAILTO code.



You didn't answer my question from above: what assembler are you using? Let's see if we can get you current code working before throwing more at you...


This topic is borderline on going to the scrap heap. Reference to viral code, not specifying what your source is written in and making requests that other people supply code for you.

Either we get an answer REAL QUICK or this topic will disappear.
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Try one of the commandline Mailers.  Just Google for it.  Until your ready to tackle a embbeded mailer in your app.

I have an app with an embedded mailer (SMTP Engine) to report errors from my company's apps.  It written for our internal Exchange 5.5 server and not to 'connect' to everyone's elses MTAs.  It's very simple and does not do attachments.

I would not mind sharing provided you let us know what your doing.

But it does look very bad, that you would use an exe for an attachment in your 'test'.

Regards,  P1  :8)



i am using masm32 for win32. and lately i find myself porting code to tasm becouse it just works better in some cases. (lesser crashes)

I have used google for it, but i did not found any good asm email code.
The smtp from beagle to react on that : i found it on a site somewhere and i deleted it becouse
its dangerous code!

The smtp engine wasn`t usable either becouse it HACKS and thats not what i have in mind!!!!!!!!!!

I have looked at some pop3/smtp c/c++ code TOO but at its best it connect and then it crashes my pc.
So using visual c++ with : cl /Fa /c pop3.cpp didn`t give me a clean asm file without bugs,
but its a start. ;-)

Rather a slow start i guess, becouse i broke my neck almost over this emailer.

It would be cool if i could only send a txt email, thats enough for me!



Quote from: marco1974 on March 22, 2005, 06:25:33 AMI have used google for it, but i did not found any good asm email code.
Your not looking hard enough or you have used some poor choices for the Google lookup.  Plus, the stuff I found was minimal at best.

Use a commandline mailer for now, until you can get your other part of your software running.

I see you write software and your just getting started.  But you still did not tell us what it will be used for.  If this is an learning exercise, then you will need to keep on learning to completion of your own embedded SMTP engine.

Regards,  P1  :8)

Robert Collins

There is alot of material floating around here on socket programming. I beleive assembly socket programming would use the same APIs as "C". Just learn the very basics of socket programming and apply your SMTP code (and SMTP is extremely easy and simple to do). There is an abundance of SMTP samples scattered all over the net (maybe not so much in Asm, but in 'C' and VB, but the protocol and logic is the same).