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Outputting Two Values In Console

Started by AgentSmithers, May 18, 2009, 06:28:22 AM

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lol - i can't make sense of it - i was trying to figure out (in a few brief sentances) what the goal was


The code's a bit of a mess, but the aim is:


i.e. all passwords up to length 16, containing characters:

So just place a $ or ! in your password and you're safe :P
Not that it matters, it'll take 6194232190424717998536135802.880 seconds to complete (196283373590663.41 million years :lol)
Or, being highly optimistic and assuming you get very lucky, with an average password length of 8 characters, 187 years.
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.


i had one of my yahoo accounts "stolen" a couple years ago (i got it back by contacting yahoo - several times)
after that, all my important passwords are very long - i do not want to say how long, but they are over 16 characters
length is the best defense
there may come a day when some log-ins allow a paragraph length password - or at least, multiple lines

yahoo has made the matter worse
several years ago, you could make yahoo IDs that started with a numeric, also you could use capital letters
they stopped allowing these - so now they are sought-after IDs
crackers have made a hobby out of stealing these "rare" IDs
so they have made cracker programs that not only rotate passwords, but IDs as well
they sift through all the possible rares until they find one they can steal

yahoo could take the wind out of their sails by re-allowing those IDs


Yes thats correct, and the term would be password recovery, but its helping sharpen my ASM skills again so its educational =)


As for the yahoo thing, they just got mugged by a Cookie creator back like 3 months ago i think, someone found the Agrorythm for generating a cookie from your username tricking the Media server into thinking you were already authenticate and letting you right in, Ima stay away from yahoo =)


this thread have final result?


What is the issue with this
        .model flat, stdcall
        option casemap :none

          include \masm32\include\

          include \masm32\include\
          include \masm32\include\
          include \masm32\include\

          includelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib
          includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib
          includelib \masm32\lib\masm32.lib

                    Var db 16 dup ("0"); Set 16 Bytes of value "0"
                    Number dd 1

                    STDHandle dd ?

                    buffer db ?



                        lea esi, offset Var

                        invoke GetStdHandle, -11

                        mov STDHandle, eax


                        inc byte ptr [esi]
                        invoke WriteConsoleA, STDHandle, esi, Number, ecx, 0 ;Uses 2Byte Tchar's

                        ;invoke Sleep, 10

                        cmp byte ptr [esi], 122 ;If 'z'

                        je myout

                        jmp myloop


                        call INCLoop

                        jmp myloop

                        invoke StdIn,ADDR buffer, LENGTHOF buffer
                        ret ; You have to Return to Exit Properly or the program will crash!

                    INCLoop proc

                        mov byte ptr [esi], "0"

                        mov ecx, Number

                        cmp ecx, 1

                        jne looper

                        call AddAZero



                        sub ecx, 1

                        cmp byte ptr [esi + ecx], 122

                        je ItsAz

                        dec ecx

                        cmp ecx, 0

                        jz looper


                        mov byte ptr [esi + ecx], 0

                        ;inc Number

                        jmp myloop
                        ret ; You have to Return to Exit Properly or the program will crash!

                   INCLoop endp

                    AddAZero proc

                        inc Number

                        mov byte ptr [esi + Number - 1], "0"


                    AddAZero endp

                end start

AddAZero crashes I belive mov byte ptr [esi + Number - 1], "0"

whats wrong with that line?


I was not asking how to Hack with ASM, You assumed, My Question was simple on Adding Addeses together.
Ive read the rules and as far as you should be consered it only genererates Letters and Char's what if I was making a game of scrabble!


Quote from: AgentSmithers on May 23, 2009, 05:14:11 AM
Yes thats correct, and the term would be password recovery, but its helping sharpen my ASM skills again so its educational =)
Quote from: AgentSmithers on May 23, 2009, 05:54:47 PM
I was not asking how to Hack with ASM, You assumed, My Question was simple on Adding Addeses together.
Ive read the rules and as far as you should be consered it only genererates Letters and Char's what if I was making a game of scrabble!
Keep digging ::)
As far as we should be concerned, you've already admitted it's for "password recovery" (no mention of whose passwords that should be), so there's no point trying to argue otherwise. If it was for legitimate recovery, there are far better methods than trying every possibility in sequence. If it was for Scrabble, you wouldn't be generating every permutation either - you'd use a dictionary (you also would only consider uppercase alphabetic characters.)
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.


Quote from: AgentSmithers on May 23, 2009, 05:54:47 PM
I was not asking how to Hack with ASM, You assumed, My Question was simple on Adding Addeses together.
Ive read the rules and as far as you should be consered it only genererates Letters and Char's what if I was making a game of scrabble!

Nice try :D

Ambition is a lame excuse for the ones not brave enough to be lazy.