Comodo free AV working well with MASM32 SDK v10.

Started by Mark Jones, February 01, 2009, 11:06:54 PM

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I've been using their firewall for the last couple of months, pretty good. Reverts to infinite free/trial after the normal trial period is over.

Very light, very robust, catches everything. Rarely gets updated though, if ever, lol.

(Again, I'm talking about the firewall)


Vipre results

Keys added: 901
Values added: 1428
Values changed: 202
Folders added: 30 (23 outside it's own folder)
Files added: 158
Files changed: 66

15 seconds on properties test 

273  megs of files, non were backups

except for dropping 23 folders in misc. places (an unacceptable practice for me), it's not too bad.  Doesn't slow down the computer noticeably.

One thing though, it took incontrol over an hour to determine the changes made to the registry.  I've never seen it take so long before.