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User input help

Started by Zyth, February 25, 2010, 06:56:39 PM

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Hi all.

I'm putting together one of my first assembly programs and need a little help.  Right now I'm not
concerned with the efficiency of the code (I'm still learning).  I just would like to get it to work.  :bg

Its a console program that simply prompts the user for two numbers that are then added together
and output.  Somewhere in the conversions the numbers are getting messed up and its outputting
the incorrect number as the sum.  Here's a sample run:

Enter first number:  10
Enter second number:  20

The sum is 7856 

I think it might be because the user input isn't null terminated?  I replaced the user input with hard
coded numbers as a test and it returned the correct sum:

test_string1    BYTE        "10", 0
test_string2    BYTE        "20", 0

Anyway, here's the code.  Any help would be appreciated:


ExitProcess PROTO NEAR32 stdcall, dwExitCode:DWORD

include \masm32\include\

cr          EQU         0dh
Lf          EQU         0ah

.STACK  4096

number1         DWORD       ?
number2         DWORD       ?
string          BYTE        40 DUP (?)
prompt1         BYTE        "Enter first number:  ", 0
prompt2         BYTE        "Enter second number:  ", 0
label1          BYTE        cr, Lf, "The sum is ", 0
sum             BYTE        11 DUP (?)
endline         BYTE        cr, Lf, 0


    INVOKE  StdOut, ADDR prompt1
    INVOKE  StdIn, ADDR string, 40
    INVOKE  atodw, ADDR string
    mov     number1, eax

    INVOKE  StdOut, ADDR prompt2
    INVOKE  StdIn, ADDR string, 40
    INVOKE  atodw, ADDR string
    mov     number2, eax

    mov     eax, number1
    add     eax, number2
    INVOKE  dwtoa, eax, ADDR sum
    INVOKE  StdOut, ADDR label1
    INVOKE  StdOut, ADDR sum
    INVOKE ExitProcess, 0

END _start


atodw is not the most intelligent function. If it finds CrLf, which is included in the string when using StdIn, the 13 + 10 values will be interpreted as input... so you have to insert a nullbyte where the Cr is.


look into StripLF() for that :]


Or do it by hand...
    INVOKE  StdOut, ADDR prompt1
    mov edi, offset string
    INVOKE  StdIn, edi, 40
    mov al, 13
    or ecx, -1
    repne scasb
    mov byte ptr [edi-1], 0
    INVOKE  atodw, offset string
    mov     number1, eax

    INVOKE  StdOut, ADDR prompt2
    mov edi, offset string
    INVOKE  StdIn, edi, 40
    mov al, 13
    or ecx, -1
    repne scasb
    mov byte ptr [edi-1], 0
    INVOKE  atodw, offset string
    mov     number2, eax


StripLF proc src:DWORD

    mov eax, [esp+4]
    sub eax, 1
    add eax, 1
    cmp BYTE PTR [eax], 0
    je tlfout
    cmp BYTE PTR [eax], 13
    jne @B

    mov BYTE PTR [eax], 0
    ret 4

    ret 4

StripLF endp


What's the first ret 4 good for?


Quote from: jj2007 on February 25, 2010, 09:11:36 PM
What's the first ret 4 good for?
it's completely obsolete. however that is how the StripLF function is defined in the masm32 library


A ret 4 is essential as StripLF is defined:


StripLF proc src:DWORD

    mov eax, [esp+4]
    sub eax, 1
    add eax, 1
    cmp BYTE PTR [eax], 0
    je tlfout
    cmp BYTE PTR [eax], 13
    jne @B

    mov BYTE PTR [eax], 0
    ret 4

    ret 4

StripLF endp


The first one is redundant, though.
eschew obfuscation