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2d rotation

Started by ragdog, December 21, 2007, 07:57:15 PM

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hi @all

i have a problem     
I would like the rotation 2d gdi integrate into ogl can you please help me because I do not

thanks in forward

[attachment deleted by admin]


no one has an answer ???? a real shame ..


No-one will ever reply as the question is written in the worst grammar we've seen - it's unintelligible  :dazzled:. And permuting the words forms a set of silly/base questions, that he'd quickly have found the answers to via a simple search, or by just reading a page or two on 3x3 and 4x4 matrices (literally).

ragdog, I guess you should state your questions in both English and German, for us to understand :).
Please use a smaller graphic in your signature.


I try my question as well as possible in english to write.

Sorry Nobody is perfect!!  ::)



Haven't look at the code, but you can either create your own matrix for 2d rotation or use glRotatef(angle,0,0,1). The key here is rotation in the Z axis. (the one that goes from inside your monitor to the monitor).

| cos(angle)   -sin(angle)  0 0 |
|  sin(angle)    cos(angle) 0 0 |
|     0                  0        1 0 |
|     0                  0        0 1 |