Help me correct this program (beginnig)?

Started by dungdoan, January 21, 2009, 03:14:34 PM

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I installed Quick Editor 3.0 including masm32 version 9.0.
I made a following program:


        mov AH, 2
        mov DL, '*'
        int 21h

Then I assemble this file. A error message is written on notepad screen:
Assembling: C:\masm32\display1.asm
C:\masm32\display1.asm(10) : warning A4023: with /coff switch, leading underscore required

Can you help correct this error? How to make it run without error?
Thank you,


Hello dungdoan, welcome to the forum.

The error is because you are trying to build a 16-bit DOS application, and QE is set up to build 32-bit Windows applications. If you are free to choose between 16-bit DOS code and 32-bit Windows code, you should probably choose 32-bit Windows code. If not, then to build a 16-bit DOS application you will need to get a 16-bit linker, like the one available from the Forum Web Site, under Microsoft Tools. To avoid confusing the 16-bit linker with the 32-bit linker (both are named link.exe), I would rename the 16-bit linker to link16.exe. You can use any editor to create the source, and then in the simplest case assemble and link with a batch file like this:

ML /c filename.asm
LINK16 filename.obj;

eschew obfuscation
