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Random questions...

Started by sinsi, November 29, 2008, 08:22:20 AM

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1. Can a mobile phone affect a floppy disk?
2. Can a multicore CPU run 1 core in 16-bit real mode, 1 core in 32-bit protected mode, one core in 64-bit mode
    and have a spare to coordinate things?
3. Why did the chicken cross the road?
Light travels faster than sound, that's why some people seem bright until you hear them.


Probably not, what's the point, and ask the chicken, assuming it survived the crossing.
eschew obfuscation



1. Many websites dealing with data recovery *swear* that the 'e-m pulse' kills floppy disks. This bothers me, because
      a. it sounds logical (and we are all suckers for logic)
      b. it seems to have actually happened to me (might have been one disk => multiple fdd's though)

2. Why not? Doesn't win64 do it (32bit compat mode, 64bit native mode).
    Just wondering about an OS that can run 32/64 and still use the BIOS... :8)
    (hey, I'm a roll-your-own wannabe).

3. To get to the other side (ahh, to be six years old again...)
    Vortex, that was excellent. Inboxes around Australia are rejoicing...

Another question.
I dragged the lovely little 'M' icon from the address bar to the desktop and got a nice 'Recent Unread Topics' shortcut.
Interesting looking at the properties - it tracks the number of times you visit the website - mine says 'Visits: 1483'

A bit spooky that windows connects all that information into something as simple as a property sheet.

heh:later: it now says 'Visits: 1492'
that shows how many times i previewed this message
:( :( :( i am
Light travels faster than sound, that's why some people seem bright until you hear them.


Quote2. Can a multicore CPU run 1 core in 16-bit real mode, 1 core in 32-bit protected mode, one core in 64-bit mode

Yup - Running concurrent Virtual Machines in VMWARE assigned to
CPU 1 . MS DOS or Win 3.11 (God forbid!) 16-bit - RAM 32 MB
CPU 2 . MS Windows XP SP 2  32-bit - RAM 256 MB
CPU 3 . MS Windows XP x 64 or Windows 7 (promising !) 64-bit - RAM 786 MB
CPU 4 . Suse Linux Enterprise Server ver 10.1 (host system) - RAM 1 GB

Rhetoric - What came first the chicken or the egg ? (Actually has a definitive answer - truthfully) :bdg


PS: What Michael said : What's the point ?
PPS: Sinsi - Have you been drinking again ?
Does this code make me look bloated ? (wink)