DirectSound specific question with masm V8 and Directx 8

Started by edkedk, December 26, 2008, 04:39:34 PM

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Hi guys,

I am have a problem here.
I have a masm version 8 environment, with the DirectX 8 header and lib files. All ok so far.
The only problem I have is I want to use the API invoke "GetCurrentPosition"  to retrieve the offset in bytes from the play-cursor and write-cursor in a buffered-loop scenario, wher I want to put my sample bytes in manualy via the CPU.
The invoke want 3 input parameters, but when I look on msdn online, directx8 function "GetCurrentPosition" needs only two, only two offsets where two dwords are put as a result by win32 api.
What kind of input parameter is the 1st one in the invoke command exactly?    If i give it a value of 0 or NULL, my app. crashes.

Here is a small snipet of code (all comments I do not use as instructions now, I found a directsound example for masm many years ago, I dont know anymore where I got this example from).

;       mov   eax, sizeof(pcm_sound);
;   mov   ecx,0
;   mul   ecx
;   mov   ecx, eax
DSBINVOKE   GetCurrentPosition,sound_fx[ecx].dsbuffer,ADDR ds_pos_play, ADDR ds_pos_write

It is the part "sound_fx[ecx].dsbuffer" I need explanation of.
When I look at the invoke line, i guess it needs a pointer (dword) to a directsound buffer, right ?
But there stops my knowledge. For masm32 there is not so much to find with examples with DirectX. Especially with DirectSound, is difficult to find something.

By the way, I want to use this for my Commodore 64 emulator, to make the sound better (I have lots of strange weird sounds because now sometimes I write byte to the buffer where the playcursor is. That is bad. I want to enhance the sound output quality. I wan to do that by check at regular intervals the playcursor and writecursor and then see where I can safely write my samplebyte to be played.

The original website I used years ago was:

Unfortunately the webpage does not exist anymore.

A part of my file I use for including:

   ; The DirectSoundBuffer interface
IDirectSoundBufferVtbl   STRUC
   ; IUnknown methods
   STDMETHOD QueryInterface, :PTR IDirectSoundBuffer, :PTR, :PTR PTR
   STDMETHOD AddRef, :PTR IDirectSoundBuffer
   STDMETHOD Release, :PTR IDirectSoundBuffer
   ; IDirectSoundBuffer methods
   STDMETHOD GetCaps, :PTR IDirectSoundBuffer,:DWORD
   STDMETHOD GetCurrentPosition, :PTR IDirectSoundBuffer,:DWORD,:DWORD                                                  <=============== THIS ONE !
   STDMETHOD GetFormat, :PTR IDirectSoundBuffer,:DWORD,:DWORD,:DWORD
   STDMETHOD GetVolume, :PTR IDirectSoundBuffer,:DWORD
   STDMETHOD GetPan, :PTR IDirectSoundBuffer,:DWORD
   STDMETHOD GetFrequency, :PTR IDirectSoundBuffer,:DWORD
   STDMETHOD GetStatus, :PTR IDirectSoundBuffer,:DWORD
   STDMETHOD Initialize, :PTR IDirectSoundBuffer,:DWORD,:DWORD
   STDMETHOD SetCurrentPosition, :PTR IDirectSoundBuffer,:DWORD

Hope someone can help me out with this !
Thanks in advance.
Merry Christmas and a happy coding year in 2009 !


Erik de Keijzer
The Netherlands


It's a 'method' rather than just a flat function.
The first (hidden) parameter is the instance of the object you want the method to act upon - the sound buffer, in this case. Otherwise, how does it know which sound buffer you want to get the current position of?
You must've either gained or created a sound buffer, so for any methods you want to call on that buffer, you must supply it in the calls to those methods (as the first parameter; even though it's not listed in the api docs, because they're meant for C++ where it's done automatically for you by the compiler.)
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.


Hello Folks

This source code for streaming DirectSound buffers maybe of some interrest for you
It also includes the "GetCurrentPosition" function.

greetings and a happy newyear

Siekmanski, (also from The Netherlands)   :lol

Inserted missing dir.


Btw, this here is MASM code:

class IASIO,,C++ compatible
; this one needs special handing, since it's a mixture of COM and C++ classes
;virtual QueryInterface ; this one's taken from the real Destructor
virtual AddRef
virtual Release:pThis

virtual init:sysHandle
virtual getDriverName:char *name
virtual getDriverVersion:
virtual getErrorMessage:char *string
virtual start:
virtual stop:
virtual getChannels:long *numInputChannels, long *numOutputChannels
virtual getLatencies:long *inputLatency, long *outputLatency
virtual getBufferSize:long *minSize, long *maxSize,long *preferredSize, long *granularity
virtual canSampleRate:ASIOSampleRate sampleRate
virtual getSampleRate:ASIOSampleRate *sampleRate
virtual setSampleRate:ASIOSampleRate sampleRate
virtual getClockSources:ASIOClockSource *clocks, long *numSources
virtual setClockSource:long reference
virtual getSamplePosition:ASIOSamples *sPos, ASIOTimeStamp *tStamp
virtual getChannelInfo:ASIOChannelInfo *info
virtual createBuffers:ASIOBufferInfo *bufferInfos, long numChannels,long bufferSize, ASIOCallbacks *callbacks
virtual disposeBuffers:
virtual controlPanel:
virtual future:long selector,void *opt
virtual outputReady:

ASIOChannelInfo struct
channel dd ?
isInput dd ?
isActive dd ?
channelGroup dd ?
sampleType dd ?
chanName db 32 dup (?)
ASIOChannelInfo ends

ASIOCallbacks struct
bufferSwitch dd ?
sampleRateDidChange dd ?
asioMessage dd ?
bufferSwitchTimeInfo dd ?
ASIOCallbacks ends
pAsioDrv dd 0
set pAsioDrv as IASIO
ASIO_GetSampleRate proc uses ebx ecx edx
local dblSamRate:real8,intSamRate:DWORD
pcall pAsioDrv.getSampleRate,addr dblSamRate
fld dblSamRate
fistp intSamRate
mov eax,intSamRate
ASIO_GetSampleRate endp

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