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[help] os.hhf problem

Started by hide2may, November 21, 2008, 04:43:20 PM

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Hi there,

I'm learning HLA using David's tutorial:-

The last program "testRandom" in chapter 06 doesn't seem to get compiled.
The message is as follows:-

   I:\projects\chap06>hla testRandom.hla
   Error in file "os.hhf" at line 5 [errid:107961/hlaparse.c]:
   syntax error, unexpected namespaceTkn, expecting DoOneValStmt.
   Near: << namespace >>

   os.hhf [4]:
   error: illegal instruction.

It sounds like the error is in "os.hhf", and
the first few lines of os.hhf reads:-

   #if( ! @define( os_hhf ))
   ?os_hhf := true;

   namespace os;

My hla version is 1.99. Any kind soul help me to tackle the problem?

Thanks in advance ^^


David brought this up on the aoaprogramming group.  He indicated that this was a problem only while using HIDE, but also mentioned that he was using the latest version of HLA with the latest version of HIDE.

Are you using the stock hla 1.99 with the libraries and headers it came with?  If not, you should probably be using the "AoA Compatibility" version of HIDE (v1.27.xx).

The latest version of HIDE has a library problem in the random module.  I'm working on fixing it.


Sorry all Masters of HLA,

The problem was caused by my missing the leading line:-

    program testRandom;


Your SS (Stupid Student),