How to get Type / LengthOf / SizeOf info for Proc Arguments

Started by tarka, October 31, 2008, 04:43:20 PM

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The code below shows what I am trying to achieve. This code works (single stepping in OllyDbg) but only because the arguments used for the Type and SizeOf statements are those of the actual variables. For a generalised solution I need to obtain these values dynamically for the real variables via the DWORD pointers passed by the INVOKE statement. I have searched extensively and tried all the variations I can generate without success. I assume that the solution needs to be something like "mov  ah,Type [esi]", whilst this statement compiles OK it returns a value of 0 rather than 1 at runtime. All the other variations that I have tried return the error "A2166 Structure Field expected"

It would be appreciated if somebody could help me with this and provide a sample of the instructions that I need to use.

.model flat, stdcall
option casemap:none
include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\
includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib
include \masm32\include\
includelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib

testpro proto :DWORD,:DWORD

Msg1        db "This is my first message string",0
Msg2        db "                               ",0
Wrd1        dw 25,26
DWd1        dd 100,200
DQw1        dq 1000,2000
DTw1        dt 12345,67890

    invoke  testpro, addr Msg1, addr Msg1           
    invoke ExitProcess,NULL

testpro proc Sstr:DWORD, Dstr:DWORD
    mov     esi,Sstr
    mov     edi,Dstr
    ;Check both parameters are of type(byte)
    mov     ah,Type Msg1
    mov     al,Type Msg2
    cmp     ah,al
    jz      testpro1
    mov     eax,1
    jmp     testpro5
    ;Check Sizes are equal, if unequal use shortest for Count
    mov     ah,SizeOf Msg1
    mov     al,SizeOf Msg2
    cmp     al,ah
    jg      testpro2
    jmp     testpro3
    xchg    al,ah
    and     eax,000000FFh
    dec     eax
    mov     ecx,eax
    loop    testpro4   
testpro endp

end start

Cheers and Thanks



Unfortunately this isn't possible using native types. I assume you're familiar with languages like Java that have type information as an intrinsic part of the classes, and this is where you're getting the idea from...

As I said, this is not the case - languages like java have a whole lot of hidden code and information in order to do this.
Programming is like working under a contract - you cannot expect a given result unless you abide by the rules of the contract. For example, you can't use the strlen function with a number, and expect a reasonable result (the decimal length of the number?) - the contract states you pass in a pointer to a string, if you pass a pointer to anything else the contract is void.



Thanks Mirno

If type checking as I was trying to implement it is not available, how do you prevent someone passing the wrong arguments and causing a mal function. i.e. a buffer overrun. I had considered calculating the string length by scanning for the "0" terminator. However if the routine were passed two quadbytes instead of strings, or even a byte string without a terminator, there would not be any terminators and the first zero that would be found would be a random event and belong to something else. In my case that would cause me to incorrectly overwrite an area of memory with a potentially nasty result.

How are arguments validated in say a .dll. I assume there must be a way otherwise it would be a simple to crash any program . Or do we assume that all users of shared code will only use it in the correct manner?

Comments Please

Cheers & Thanks



You might use a macro and check the opattr directive. This allows to call the proc based on the info available at assembly time. See here for an example.


Thanks jj2007 & Vortex

I have read the info about OPATTR and found it helpful. Unfortunately, it does not provide exactly what I want but it has given me some more ideas. I now think its a case of back to the drawing board and design it again!

Thanks for your help.

Cheers & Thanks
