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Adding two decimal numbers

Started by mnsrl, October 30, 2008, 03:56:19 PM

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Hi, new to MASM

Can someone help with a simple program that asks the user to enter two decimal numbers via the keyboard and show the sum on screen..


When the user enters the numbers, they will be a text string.
#1 Take your favourite string to number conversion routine and use that on the inputted strings.
#2 Use the "add" instruction
#3 Convert the result back to a string and print it out.

How far have you got with the problem so far? Post the code you've got, and we may be able to prod you in the right direction.
You should try to remember that around this time of year we get students coming on who are too lazy to do their own work, and want us to do it for them. It makes us grumpy, so please try to appease us as much as possible by showing us how far you've got with your non-homework problem. That way we're more likely to help.



u idiot, im asking for help,, not bullshit,,only reply if u thk u can


I know the answer and I'm the idiot?

You aren't asking for help, you're asking for someone to help you cheat on your course. We're more than happy to help people learn here but we will not help you cheat.
We get people like you turn up around this time every year - just far enough in to a new academic year to need homework doing, and too lazy to do it.

Feel free to prove me wrong and demonstrate even the slightest knowledge of assembly programming.
I'm betting though that your course is in 16 bit DOS assembly programming, so a Win32 asm solution wouldn't even work for you...




One warning then out. NEVER EVER abuse members in this forum. If you are that stupid that you don't even understand the answer, go somewehere else.
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