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RadAsm Could no open....

Started by fygr, October 01, 2008, 11:37:00 AM

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Hello all...

I am new in here and with assembler as well.

I have this hmm, same kind of error what I found in the forum (Yes I was try to find the solution here, but I am getting despert) and cant solve my problem.

I have bought Randall´s Art of Assembly HLA book. And this works great in command prompt.
I have my source files (*.hla) in C:assy folder for example and I can combile it typing: HLA HELLO.HLA and it works.

Still I like to use mutch mutch more IDE to start my learning. Book I bought gave me RADHla inside of CD, so I try to and also like to use it on my learnings too.

I have this kind of configuration right now:

Installed HLA 1_54 Release running Hlasetup file from the disk. I have MASM32 installed earlier and all stuff is in my C:\ drive in an own folders like C:\HLA, C:\MASM32, and C:\RADHLA.

environment variables are:

and RadHLA it still keep saying me that:

C:\Hla\hla -c "" Could not open .hla
Make finished.

I have also download NMAKE15.EXE and run/extract NMAKE.EXE & NMAKE.ERR files, copy them into MASM32\BIN and also add these into C:\HLA and C:\RADHLA as well.

What I do have to add and where to make my RadHla working with HLA.??

Please help....... :)

BTW: typing  C:\Hla\hla -c "" into command prompt will give me the same result as well, so I think some Environment variable or something is still missing??? Don´t you think??

PS. I am running in virtual, but it doesnt seems to matter, because I have try these in real world as well ;)


Hi fygr

It seem like you dont have a project or file open when you try to compile.
If you dont have a project then you must have the HELLO.HLA file opened.




Just quite did not understand.

I choose File -> Open File, because I have only my HELLO.HLA file I want to compile. And here is the source file in HELLO.HLA

program helloworld;

#include( "stdlib.hhf" );

begin helloworld;
stdout.put( "Hello world of assembly", nl );
end helloworld;

I think something must be broken in my HLA installation file, because I was just trying newest RADASM installed in my RADHLA folder. Same thing but it tells me a lot of more errors than older one.


nmake buildall

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility   Version 1.50
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp 1988-94. All rights reserved.

   del /F /Q tmp
Could Not Find C:\RadHLA\hla\Projects\hw\tmp
   del *.exe
Could Not Find C:\RadHLA\hla\Projects\hw\*.exe
   del *.obj
   del *.res
Could Not Find C:\RadHLA\hla\Projects\hw\*.res
   del *.link
   del *.asm
   del *.map
Could Not Find C:\RadHLA\hla\Projects\hw\*.map
   hla  hw
Assembling: hw.asm

Make finished.
Total compile time 4109 ms

Sad I was really, I mean really like to use this kind of IDE to start with this. Just Too eh retro to play with command prompt..  :'(


When you build without an open project the problem is in the hla.ini section [MakeDefNoProject]
I dont know what Randall distributed on his cd, but it does not seem to work.

Your second try works in spite of the errors you gets. The errors is just because it tries to delete old files that does not exist.
