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call a (relative) virtual address

Started by n00b!, September 30, 2008, 11:31:22 AM

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QuoteBtw. Is there a way to easily get the size of an instruction (maybe with the help of a tool or by following some guidelines, etc.)?

not that i'm aware of, but there are tiny LDE's (Length Disassembler Engine) you could use.


Quote from: n00b! on October 01, 2008, 11:41:56 AM
Btw. Is there a way to easily get the size of an instruction (maybe with the help of a tool or by following some guidelines, etc.)?

include \masm32\include\

AppName db "Get the size of an opcode:", 0

call @F
@@: pop ecx   ; ecx contains EIP of pop instruction

mov edx, offset AppName

call @F   ; equivalent to mov EIP, offset @@
@@: pop eax   ; eax contains EIP of pop instruction
sub eax, ecx
sub eax, 6
MsgBox 0, str$(eax), addr AppName, MB_OK

call @F
@@: pop ecx   ; ecx contains EIP of pop instruction

lea edx, offset AppName

call @F   ; equivalent to mov EIP, offset @@
@@: pop eax   ; eax contains EIP of pop instruction
sub eax, ecx
sub eax, 6
MsgBox 0, str$(eax), addr AppName, MB_OK

exit ; short form of invoke ExitProcess, 0

end start


Btw. Is there a way to easily get the size of an instruction (maybe with the help of a tool or by following some guidelines, etc.)?

   Why not assemble with a listing?  Makes counting easy.

      88 001F  8A E0         MOV     AH,AL   ; save
      89 0021  BB 0078 R         MOV     BX,OFFSET DivRes
      90 0024  D7         XLAT



Quote from: FORTRANS on October 02, 2008, 01:34:12 PM
   Why not assemble with a listing?  Makes counting easy.

What? Counting with your FINGERS?? ::)

include \masm32\include\

; CONSOLE assemble and link

opsize MACRO arg
ifndef OpSizeDD
OpSizeDD dd ?
echo dd defined
ifb <arg>
call @F
@@: pop OpSizeDD   ; contains EIP of pop instruction
call @F
@@: push eax
mov eax, [esp+4]
sub eax, 11
sub OpSizeDD, eax   ; contains EIP of pop instruction
neg OpSizeDD
pop eax
add esp, 4
print chr$(13, 10, <arg>, 9)
print str$(OpSizeDD)
print chr$(" bytes")
; invoke MessageBox, 0, str$(OpSizeDD), chr$(<arg>), MB_OK

AppName db "Get the size of a piece of code:", 0

print offset AppName, 13, 10

push eax
pop eax
opsize "push & pop"

opsize "pushad & popad"

inc eax
opsize "inc eax    "

add eax, 1
opsize "add eax, 1"

mov eax, -1
opsize "mov eax, -1"

or eax, -1
opsize "or eax, -1"

mov eax, 0
opsize "mov eax, 0"

and eax, 0
opsize "and eax, 0"

mov edx, offset AppName
opsize "mov edx, offset AppName"

lea edx, AppName
opsize "lea edx, AppName"

print chr$(13, 10,10)
inkey "Hit any key to get outta here"

end start


For joyful playing, I attach the code. Usage:

   m2m ecx, 99
   .While !ZERO?
      dec ecx
opsize ".While not zero (fails miserably!)"

Some results:
push eax        1 bytes
pop eax         1 bytes
pushad & popad (/2)     2 bytes
inc eax         1 bytes
add eax, 1      3 bytes
mov eax, -1     5 bytes
or eax, -1      3 bytes
mov eax, 0      5 bytes
and eax, 0      3 bytes
mov edx, offset AppName 5 bytes
lea edx, AppName        6 bytes
lea edx, [AppName+4*eax]        7 bytes
lea edx, [AppName+4*eax+8]      7 bytes
jmp @F          2 bytes
simple loop, version A  8 bytes
simple loop, version B  6 bytes
.While/.Endw    10 bytes
.While not sign 8 bytes
.While not zero (fails miserably!)      8 bytes
.Repeat/.Until zero?    6 bytes
.Repeat/.Until ecx==0   8 bytes
.Repeat/.Until sign     6 bytes

Apart from that, Steve is perfectly right that a listing does the job, too. The macro is easier to handle if you are trying to size-optimise a longer piece of code.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Nice, many thanks for your replies!  :U

But I thought of a extern tool (maybe using a lookup-table or something like that) instead of assembling or disassembling an assembly  :red


Quote from: n00b! on October 02, 2008, 10:50:41 PM
Nice, many thanks for your replies!  :U

But I thought of a extern tool (maybe using a lookup-table or something like that) instead of assembling or disassembling an assembly  :red
RadAsm has a codesize plugin, but you need to use "projects" for it to work, doesn't work with single asm files   *sob*

It shows the size of each instruction at the side.

Some of the older members here, plz make a better alternative, I hate using "projects" lolz


The macro does the job, but attention, it actually executes the instructions, so make sure the code is correct.
It comes in two versions:

1. For one instruction: Start the string with a colon, :

opsize ":lea edx, [AppName+4*eax+ecx+8]"

2. For multiple instructions, start with a blank "opsize" and end with an explanatory text:
mov ecx, 99
@@: dec ecx
jne @B
opsize "loop: mov ecx, 99 - dec ecx - jne @B"

Code attached, sample output below.

0      .if 1 ... .endif
5      .if eax ... nop ... .endif
5      test eax, eax .. nop ... je @F
2      .While 0 ... .Endw
3      sub [esp], eax
4      sub dword ptr [esp], 127
7      sub dword ptr [esp], 128
1      push eax
1      pop eax
1      pushad
1      popad
1      inc eax
3      add eax, 1
3      or eax, -1
5      mov eax, -1
3      and eax, 0
5      mov eax, 0
4      mov ax, 0
2      mov al, 0
3      add eax, 127
4      add ax, 127
2      add al, 0
5      add eax, 128
4      add ax, 128
2      add al, 128
5      mov edx, offset AppName
6      lea edx, AppName
7      lea edx, [AppName+4*eax]
7      lea edx, [AppName+4*eax+8]
7      lea edx, [AppName+4*eax+ecx+8]
7      mov edx, dword ptr [AppName+4*eax+ecx+8]
2      jmp @F
8      loop: mov ecx, 99 - dec ecx - jne @B
6      loop: m2m ecx, 99 - dec ecx - jne @B
10     .While ecx - dec ecx - .Endw
8      .While not sign
8      .While 1 - dec ecx - ,break .if zero?, ecx=0
8      .While 1 - dec ecx - ,break .if sign?, ecx=-1
8      .While not zero (fails miserably)
8      .Repeat/.Until ecx==0, ecx=0
6      .Repeat/.Until zero?, ecx=0
6      .Repeat/.Until sign?, ecx=-1

[attachment deleted by admin]


Sure your code gets all the information I want, but it would be nice to not have to always reassemble the code.


Quote from: n00b! on October 03, 2008, 01:06:36 PM
Sure your code gets all the information I want, but it would be nice to not have to always reassemble the code.

   Well, get yourself an opcode list for finding out about single
instructions.  The Intel and AMD references will have that.  Or
use a debugger to disassemble a block of code.  If it's your code,
a listing still sounds good to me.


Steve N.


Quote from: FORTRANS on October 03, 2008, 01:44:08 PM
   Well, get yourself an opcode list for finding out about single
instructions.  The Intel and AMD references will have that.

\masm32\help\opcodes.chm is a good start, too.